Archive for October, 2009

Chp. 4

October 29, 2009

This Chapter did not catch my interest as much as some of the previous ones, but there were a few parts that were intriguing to me. Art has now became something people do to express themself and try and make money off. But I wonder what the caveman era art was intended for. I personally do not think they were expressing themself like people do today. I believe it was just something they did because there was not much else to do. The article about dreams was the article I liked the best on this reading. I liked this article the best because I can relate to it. Everyone has dreams, some have them more often then others. Few think dreams have meanings to real life and others do not think any thing of their dreams. I think certain dreams do have meaning to them, but I guess it just depends on the person. I also think people dream about things that are the top of their mind before going to sleep. For example, my friend had a big basketball game on Friday and Thursday night he told me he had a dream he scored the game winning shot to win the game for us. Well he took the last second shot to win the game; he missed it, but I believe the dream was a sign for him to be ready for that shot. commented on Eunis Hernandez’s

Chp. 3 Cont.

October 29, 2009

All the articles in this reading are about images and how people percieve them.  I really liked the part about seeing a certain thing in a photo compared to seeing it in real life.  Why isnt a photo good enough for people? Why do people need to go and see it in real life? People think that a photo is not good enough because its nothing like real life, but I think if you can get a photo in detail and see everything you would in real life then why would one spend a lot of money for an air ticket and a hotel and stuff to see it in person.   Overall i think images become icons just for people to make money.  There is no diff between a Mona Lisa soap dispenser and a regular soap dispenser becasue they both do the same thing. It all has to do with money, the person that comes up with certain creations like that is not doing it to make our lives easier he/she is just trying to make their life better by living a wealthy life.


October 4, 2009


Reader Response #3

October 1, 2009

This reading applies to me because even though I have not gotten any tattoos or anything else to my body if I wanted to I would. But it does not have anything to do with being defiant. I would get a tattoo or piercing by chose because it would be something I would want to do. I have never met anyone that has told me they have gotten a tattoo for no reason. Everyone that I know with a tattoo has a good reason for it. I agree with parts of the texts, but I also disagree with parts. I agree with the part that says people get tattoos to make a personal statement to an extent because some just cover their bodies, while others just get a few meaningful ones. Also I agree with article two by how it says photography shows a lot about the past. For example by looking at photos you may tell ones personality by if they smile in a lot of their pictures or if their always in pictures with a mean look. I learned many different things to imagery on the body to catching suspects. I feel the new system for the witnesses is a better way than the previous. The text did not change any views, but it did open my eyes to how much past pictures can mean.