Chpt 6

The article that I was intriguied by the most was the article about “real” vs “fake”. I believe there is fake things that are just as good as the real. For example a pair of fake jordan shoes vs real jordan shoes. I have seen fake jordan’s that are the exact same as jordan’s, but the fake are half the price. This article also talked about how there is a difference between the Luxor Hotel in Egypt vs the so called fake one in Las Vegas. Obviously the one in Las Vegas isn’t the original and will not be labeled like the one in Egypt, but I don’t think it should be labeled as not being as good. Some people may actually like the Las Vegas one better so it just depends on the person.   Some people may not have the money to go out to egypt and experience the hotel there so by having an alternative in Las Vegas could be beneficial for many.  The las Vegas one is not doing bad because it is obviously pretty popular and is a popular tourist attraction.  The other article was ok it was about how people may say something looks a certain way and it may be the total opposite.  I believe this only occurs with the unkown that people have never actually witnessed in real life.

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